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December 18, 2006

In Which I Rant Much About Final Fantasy III

My monk in FFIII just hit Job Level 99. That just strikes me as odd, that I maxed it out, but since Ingus has been a Monk since the beginning of the game and never changed jobs, I suppose it's not all that strange. I'm grinding up so I can breeze through the last boss gauntlet, so I switched him to Black Belt for the time being. He does less damage with the latest claws than he did as a Monk unequipped... which isn't suprising since he gains 2 damage every job level, with a base of 100 attack power... 398 is alot more attack power than 280 or whatever that he has right now. But eh, better to level something while I'm grinding. If I get absolutely no life and get Black Belt to level 99, it should be better. Not happening, but, you know... and hey, he's got a really spiffy black cape on now.

Grinding and podcasts... they're two things, one awesome and one kinda annoying, but together they create this kinda Zen gaming bliss that I love so damn much... I gained 5 levels in FFIII listening to this week's TWiT... wheeeeeeee! Only 10 more levels to go until I'm at the level of the last boss... then I'll probably run through and finish the game, as, I'd hope, since I'm starting the like 20 bosses in a row gauntlet at the same level, when I make it out I'll be higher, and it won't be an issue.

Apparently FFIII, though, is the poor man's FFV, which I'll believe from the maybe 3 hours of FFV I've played... I'll have to sink some time into the GBA version sometime...

What else is going on with me... not alot until Chrissymas, I suppose. Some work. Alot of snuggling with Brer, since he leaves on Friday... hanging out with JonathanFriends who are in town again (and who are very awesome people, my brother should think himself extremely lucky to have Brian and Jessie and so on as his close friends... heh) as well as my friends at the party tommorow... um... wrapping the last gift I haven't wrapped... cleaning up my room a little more I guess... watching that Hogfather movie... I dunno...

Posted by poetfox at December 18, 2006 08:29 PM


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