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December 31, 2006

The Last Post of the Year.

This Hotel Dusk is pretty exciting. Be sure to give the trailer a watch. I'll be picking that up come January 22nd.

Well, the year is about over. What did I accomplish...? Well, I did end with a better semester than I've had in years, one involving studying and paper writing like I was supposed to... if I keep that up, maybe I can get out of here... I... got a 360, which is kinda big considering I've been wanting one for most of the year (feel free to look back at old blog entries, you'll see... oh, and I added Dai to my friend's list, so I have like... 2 friends now. yay! Must send hir scary pictures.), so that's nice, I guess... um... I dunno, did I do anything else this year? It doesn't feel like I accomplished much of anything... which, generally, wouldn't bother me, except... I dunno... I obviously have some changes I need to make to my life... but eh, no need to be all whatever.

Jonathan and I beat Gears on Casual. It is a little short, at least on Casual, but damn, is it a good time. We'll probably at least give Hardcore a try, although I can't see me playing Insane... who knows, though.

I think of the brand fucking new batteries I bought for my 360 is non-functional, which pisses me off, in general. Have to buy another, I guess. Bleh. I'd return it, but we already threw the packaging away...

In any case, I hope you had a good 2006 and have a good 2007 and crap like that... wish me luck through it all as well... maybe I can accomplish something this time around...

Posted by poetfox at December 31, 2006 04:43 PM


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