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January 27, 2007

Caffiene GOOD!

So let's see, what's happened recently...

I bought Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. All the flaws with the game are purely the PSP's, as the game is quite well done and alot of fun, the PSP just can't give it all that good controls. They try their best but... there just isn't much to work with. In any case, it's just tons of fun. Putting soldiers into your kidnapping truck really doesn't get old. It's just fun, and you feel compelled to kidnap everyone in hopes of finding better and better people with weirder and weirder names. Nothing quite like shooting someone with a solider named "Water Flea." The little missions are set up in small, portable chunks, which is a good design decision although I do feel it sorta... the game doesn't feel quite as epic because of it. But again, it's a good idea, seeing as it was designed for a portable system. The dialogue and stuff in the cut scenes is definately MGS... just check this one out, right at the beginning. That speech that Snake gives... maybe I'm drowsy, but I don't think it makes any sense at all... but if it convinces people, I suppose that's okay. Anyway, I'm slowly working through it. It has full online deathmatch and stuff too, all the modes from Substinance online, but I just play Cyber Survival, where I send a team of people out to fight on the internets for me, then I check up on them now and again, see if they've kidnapped anyone or gotten killed. It's fun.

I love cinnamon butter.

Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town is really weird. I think he's getting distracted on the plot, too, which saddens me, as I was liking it early on... I'm about halfway done, we'll see what happens.

I hope Brer doesn't get mad at me. Not that I can see him doing that. But I just... when I do things like that, I worry about them being taken a different way. It's supposed to be kinda concern and support and love and not like... "Oh, you can't do it on your own" or whatever. I dunno. I'm weird... it's from the heart, it can't go badly, I wouldn't think.

Panda-Z keeps inching closer and closer to done... just a few more weeks and hey, I might actually have the damn thing. I like this music video. Music Videos on youtube are normally bad things, but I stumbled onto that one and the song is so... out there. I dunno. It's fun.

Need caffiene...

Posted by poetfox at January 27, 2007 12:41 PM


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