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January 20, 2007

I could be such a cheater, I really could.

For better or worse, after seeing that my contest entry to the Escape Pod 300 words or less short fiction contest was put up for voting, I had to go check it out... It's currently in the run for first in it's little division... I'd crazy like it to end up in the finals, because then Steve buying it would be extremely likely... but if it doesn't it doesn't, of course. At least all the comments on the story are very positive, although one is making a joke by calling me too wordy. Heh heh.
If he bought it, though, that would mean my first story sale was at a rate of like $1 a word, and that's intense. Heh. Eh, I can hope.
Anyway, I dunno if it's in the spirit of the contest to tell you which one is my story, but it is in Group 3 and I believe I have posted it to this blog before, title-less... I think I might have changed a word or two as well... you can go vote for winners on their message board, in the contest section, although you can't even see the works unless you sign up and log in... if you wanna help me win, go for it, otherwise just enjoy the nanofics or do nothing.

Bleh, my mind is now going "I can solicit this person and this person and this person for votes..." I knew I shouldn't have checked in on it. I shouldn't do that shit.

I am angry at Jonathan. That's all I'm going to say about it on here.

I got all involved last night in looking for good Steampunk novels. I dunno why, really. I mean, I've always enjoyed Steampunk things, as least as far as I've seen. I can't remember a Steampunk work I didn't like... well, okay, Wild Wild West movie was kinda shitty, but the style, the style is awesome... and I dunno, instead of doing what I was going to do, I started looking for novels. From what I understood from my little bit of research, the sorta big sorta defining piece of work is The Diffference Engine? I dunno. I got too much to read right now, I shouldn't worry about it, but I'll try to keep it in mind.

Also, at random, I took a look at Paranoia Live and it was just... wow. They built a client called JParanoia just to play Paranoia online, and it's insanely well put together and specifically targeted for the game... and they even have a page on their site for forms! All kinds of forms that online players can fill in and GMs can check! It's awesome.

Posted by poetfox at January 20, 2007 03:56 PM


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