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January 09, 2007

Set Nana Spoilers to MAX POWUR!

So yeah, as the title says, Spoilers Set to Maximum!

Holy shit. While I was giving blood (which hit me really hard this time, for the first time... I had to lie down for awhile... heh...) I watched episodes 29 and 30 of Nana? HOLY. SHIT. Two huge bombshells! Let me show you the first one.

Nobu: Nana, I just wanted to thank you for rooting for me and wanting me to be happy. I appreciate it.
Nana (the one from BLAST): Well, thanks, Nobu, but I wasn't really doing it for you.
Nobu: Oh, then you wanted Hachi to be happy, then?
Nana: No, not really.
Nobu: Oh... then... revenge on Takumi?
Nana: No.
Nobu: Then... why?
Nana: *turning to Nobu to look him in the eyes* Because she'd wandered out of my garden. So I pulled her back in. Be good to her, Nobu, so she stays put.

BOOOOOOOOOM! Holy crap! Now, if you're reading this and you know nothing about Nana, that might not seem all that... whatever. But there was SO MUCH TENSION after she said that. It hit Nobu and me, watching, right in the guts. It was seriously the first time Nana had ever been portrayed as anything but a good person. That moment literally made you re-evaluate EVERYTHING the character had ever done. And you start to see her as being a very selfish, controlling sort who brings people in and won't let them go. It was just... wow...

To soften the blow a bit, though, the next episode is told from her perspective, with her giving the opening reflective monologue instead of Hachi as per usual. It works. It makes her less evil, it gives you a context as to why she's like that. But it's still there.
The other bomb, though, comes at the end of episode 30, though, because HOLY FUCKING CRAP HACHI IS PREGNANT! I mean, it's not suprising, looking back. Nana often, at many points in the series, made a show of being on the pill, and it was all just leading up to this moment, where we can think back as Hachi is getting sick after coming into work in the morning "Oh my god, is that morning sickness?" And it totally was. It changes fucking EVERYTHING!

Both these episodes came like... 1 episode after another big bomb, although not as big as this one, of Hachi and Nobu getting together, finally. They only get one episode of happiness, or not even that, before everything goes to shit... heh.

Anyway, Nana is really well written. I love it. It's very Shojo, it's all about love and relationships and fictional rock bands. But it's just so well done and so realistic. I can't think of any other Anime that would seriously throw something like Hachi getting pregnant at me. I really don't.


Posted by poetfox at January 9, 2007 04:58 PM


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