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February 13, 2007

Part of me says "trade in your broken PS2 at EB for cash monies for a new one" but the other part of me envisions the person buying my old PS2 and feeling bad.

Probably the best Valentine's Card Evar. Or maybe I'm just a loser like that.

So a complusion I'm realizing I have is planning out my gaming experience. I spend time typing out gaming forcasts and whatnot, and then never follow them. It's just time that's disappeared completely. Poof. Fuck, I'm weird.

Guitar Hero II hits the 360 on April 3, apparently. Multiplayer pack is going to be 150 dollars... so I'll have to come up with 150 bucks before then. If I pre-ordred it now, they're giving away a Guitar Controller case with it... but... I dunno. If I'm going to put down 150 dollars on the promise of a game later, why am I not just buying a new PS2 and enjoying sweet, sweet Okami and FFXII?
God, I hope FFXII holds my interest. It looks amazing, and I want to play it and beat it, but I know me, and I worry I won't, when I get it... Honestly, Okami I KNOW I won't give the time it deserves, but if I don't pick it up soon, I'll never be able to find it, so...

Posted by poetfox at February 13, 2007 12:39 PM


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