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April 13, 2007

I gave away my weekend.

And now, within two days, I have no weekend left, really! Dustin from work called (I... think I know who that is. I don't know many floor people. I'm terrible with names... but I think I recognized his voice... I'm terrible) and needed someone to take his two shifts... I was only working one day, and I can't say no, so, now I'm working very long shifts Friday and Saturday night. I'll be catching up on like a week's worth of work in those two days... but then, earlier today, Ben Edwards called me and asked me to work Scholar Bowl. I love doing that, so of course I said yes... but that's early in the morning, and will run until about an hour before work on Saturday, when I then have to work an 8 hour shift... so... yeah. Thrilling stuff. But oh well. I've been in an off and on foul mood still, and Brer is right, going to work does tend to cheer me up. Then again, this is the floor... which means I'm going to be wandering around aimlessly for most of the time, so... well, we'll see. Money is good, anyway.

Especially since I've been looking at Gadgets for some reason today... I want a Chumby still... I hope they do good things and are around a hundred dollars. I also think the Xbox 360 Controller Thumb Keyboard is totally top of cool, and I know I'll be getting one, even if I never put it to good use.

I made Brer watch Stranger than Fiction. He liked it! Huzzah! I wish I could have reciprocated on Aliens. It just wasn't my sort of film... I rarely watch pure actiony/thriller films, and when I do it's with friends inviting me along and me wanting to spend time with them. Outside a theatre... I just couldn't keep my focus completely. I saw how huge it was, how good it was, how solid it was... but it just was not what I see... when I do watch an action film, it has an element of comedy in it. I dunno. But I'm glad I didn't waste his time.

I befriended Mur on Twitter, and I entertained myself reading her posts as they showed up today. Stalker TO THE MAX!

Bleh... I'm so out of it... so very out of it...

Posted by poetfox at April 13, 2007 12:43 AM


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