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May 24, 2007

This club be made for clubbin'.

So my time as an Accordian Thief is over, and I totally beat the Naughty Sorceress again. It was kinda by accident, too. I was going to take the "fail alot so she gets easier" method, but my Misshapen Animal Skeleton was too busy raping her and I beat the first form completely by accident, so I just went ahead and killed her. I decided to keep Dirge of Dreadfulness. I don't really know why, except all my other buffs seemed boring and all the niftier buffs past that point were very expensive to cast. 9 MP is about the cutoff point for me... all the really useful Accordian buffs cost like 40-50. I wouldn't be able to use those until late in the game. This way, I'm going to be dealing extra Spooky damage the whole run. The only problem now is what to keep. Seal Clubber has a very wide variety of passive skills, and I would like to have them all. It probably comes down to keeping either the Hide of the Walrus or Double-Fisted Skull Smashing. Probably Double-Fisted Skull Smashing. Dual Titanium Assault Umbrellas, anyone?

So, other things going on... hmmm... I still hate Victory Road... yeah... um... I guess that's mostly it. Bye.

Posted by poetfox at May 24, 2007 10:31 AM


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