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July 22, 2007

I spent all day reading Harry Potter.

Here is the completely definately not spoiler review: The book starts fine, gets bogged down and draaaaaaaaaags in the middle, then has the excitement you'd hope would be there in the end. For a more in-depth review where I'm TRYING not to spoiler anything but I offer no promises, click here for my post in the Harry Potter Spoiler thread on Talking Time.

Literally all I did today was read Harry Potter, though. Goodness. Haven't done something like that in a long while. Wouldn't have done it if Brer had been around... perhaps it was good he wasn't, so I could blaze through it before spoilers attacked.

Man, I was wanting to write a long reviewish thing like I've been doing lately about Paper Mario, which I've been replaying on the VC, but I think I'll do that sometime next week, after I beat it. My eyes are tired. Also, I wrote a new essay actually, for the Deadpan is the Way project! Holy shit! I even recorded me reading it! But I think I'm going to wait to put it up anywhere until it runs on Deadpan... though if you wanna see it, ask.

I also wrote a fanfic for our Harry Potter release fanfic contest. It went over well. Everyone's was actually pretty damn funny this time around. Well, besides Buchhiet's. Because he didn't write one. But yeah, I'll get all those posted on the long forsaken Fanfic Competition Archive sometime soon. Until then, you may want to read our old Harry Potter fics. They're still awesome.

Okay, gonna lay down and rest my weary eyes. Tommorow, I am going to St. Louis for no apparent reason and then going to work. Fun times.

Posted by poetfox at July 22, 2007 12:57 AM


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