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July 11, 2007

Liveblogging The Else

Hey, I bought The Else. Once TMBG sent me an e-mail telling me about the bonus disc of podcast content, I got out there and got it. So let's try liveblogging my impressions! HUZZAH!

Track 1 - I'm Impressed: I'm digging it. I am impressed. It's upbeat, and I could see me thinking of this song every time someone says "I'm Impressed." So far, the album is 1-0 (One win, one loss). I guess I'll put short versions of this on my twitter so it's a real live blog.

Track 2 - Taking Out the Trash: Flans song. Also upbeat. Catchy. No "Damn Good Times", but I like. 2-0. Ooh, the break is pretty awesome. (Is that what it's called? The Break? I think so)

Track 3 - Upside Down Frown: Linnel song. The music is catchy, but not quite my thing. It's about the lyrics, but they're not clicking. Maybe with more listens. For now, 2-1.

Track 4 - Climbing The Walls: Yeaaaaaaah, no thanks. The music feels generic for this kind of Giants song, and the lyrics do nothing for me. 2-2. Do like the Future of Sound in there, though. GO FUTURE OF SOUND!

Track 5 - Careful What You Pack: Weird opening. It's a slow song, so it already does little for me. Lyrics don't save it from my slow song hate. 2-3. Short song, though. Huh.

Track 6 - The Cap'm: Nothing about this song wows me, but I find I'm liking it. Great Future of Sound Solo. 3-3.

Track 7 - With The Dark: Old-tymey opening. My slow song hate is eating it. And... oh my, it picked up. Love these horns. And now the lyrics are getting really weird. And now it's getting exciting again... and... huh. What a strange song. I liked it once it picked up. 4-3.

Track 8 - The Shadow Government: Upbeat. Punky guitars. Not really doing it for me, but listenable. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. 5-3.

Track 9 - Bee of the Bird of the Moth: I've heard this before. It's slow, but catchy. Future of Sound horns. Yay! 6-3. Not going to be a favorite, though? But it's cute.

Track 10 - Withered Hope: Digging the opening. Oh fuck yeah. Great horn action. I love this song. 7-3.

Track 11 - Contrecoup: Eh, no. Slow. Generic. Not liking it. 7-4.

Track 12 - Feign Amnesia: Good lyrics. I dunno. Distracted by Justin Spaeth being a jackass.

Track 13 - The Mesopotamians: See Track 12.

Well, Spants kinda distracted me from finishing. Oh well, it's a decent album.

Posted by poetfox at July 11, 2007 03:34 PM


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