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August 01, 2007


So I decided to try out my Ghuol Whelp in KoL for awhile, but he needed a better name than the placeholder I slapped in there of "Munchy." So what did I name him? Well, in honor of watching Jonathan enjoy the terrible voice acting for so, so long, I named him Ethan Waber, after the main character of the story mode of Phantasy Star Universe. Ethan ate corpses, right? It's a good fit, right?
Seriously, though, current KoL news is that I'm going after the Order of the Silver Wossname. I've successfully killed all but 1 hippie. This is good! This proves my tally-mark-making skills were up to the task. The next few days will have me taking out all but one of the Frat Boys, and then it's time for an exciting Last Stand. Though it'll take me longer than it could because I'm going to keep farming for Filthy Lucre, so that's a decent sized chunk of adventures every day...

But Anyway! I got me Picross DS, and you know what? It's still awesome. The stylus controls work much, much better! The only thing is I sometimes hit incorrect boxes as I jab the stylus at the screen to count spaces. But that's more of a personal problem than the game's problem. It's all just a lot of fun, really, and it has TERRIBLE MUSIC. Anyway, if you like those sorts of puzzle timewasters, I do recommend picking it up, especially since The All-Knowing Oracle, Wikipedia, claims that after they get the damn server up, you should be able to download most if not all of the puzzles from all the previous Picross games that only came out in Japan over the Wifi Connection, so that's pretty awesome. Also, you can make your own penis-based Picross extremely easily. Fun times.

People on Talking Time are talking about Halo 3 parties. This is very mean. I don't want to pick it up right at launch, but those would be so fun I might have no choice but to do so! Damn you, friends on Talking Time! DAMN YOU AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!

Posted by poetfox at August 1, 2007 11:37 AM


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