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January 03, 2005

4 Men. 3 Knives. 2 Guns. 1 Basket of Peaches.

So yeah, like the moodthing says, for some reason I've been thinking about commisioning Mama today. Not to do something pr0nographic, but something all... World of Warcraftagraphic. Something like... meme (Well, foxme) sitting in the center at a keyboard... Noa to my left, charging up a heal spell with the hand holding her Warhammer of Healing, the other holding a defense buff potion... Arlressy to my right, totem going at her feet, mace on fire... in the background left, Jonathan's Spoonlily, lookin' badass in his bandit facething and such... background right, Dendreth, Draco-kun's character... taking aim at something offscreen... yeah. Only problem is I think Mama hates group shots. ^_^ Heh heh... but it's a commision, I'll pay her, and there doesn't have to be any background at all. Anyway, I might talk to her about that later tonight... She looks like she already has quite a few commissions at the moment, but I'm patient, too... heh... no hurry no worry.
So yeah, Franz Ferdinand... They're awesome! No song on their CD is one I cannot listen to or dislike. Obviously I like some songs more than others, but I can listen through EVERYTHING without having to skip. That's really rare. There's usually at least one song on even a TMBG album that's too slow or too something for me to deal with. Not on this. I'm probably going to end up linking them down in my band recommendations. ^_^ Heh. They rock.
The title comes from a Baulderdash game we played last night, by the way, if you didn't know. That was part of one awesome movie synopsis, although Jonathan seriously beat me that round... I'd attempt to recall his genius, but I doubt I'd do it justice. However, I'm pretty sure that Skaamoog might become a fake Magic card, if I think of a good ability.
Oh, and I'm annoyed they're still reprising old Magic articles this week. I thought the new ones would start today, but apparently not! They're going to have to get right into Betrayers of Kamigawa previews next week with no buffer for other articles, which is sorta... yeah. But oh well. Betrayers is going to be spiffy. Gotta save up money for the prerelease! And for paying for three more months of hot World of Warcraft action... yeah.
But um, yeah, that's all I got for now. Bye.
So, um, yeah. I suppose that's it for now.

Posted by poetfox at January 3, 2005 12:16 PM


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