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June 25, 2005

A totally failed Game Forcast

I wonder if there would be a way to make a miniblog that sorta moved off of this one... kinda like how Droid has his reviews only for games or something? Like... I could blog comments on games and it would file them under the game and blah blah blah... too much work for something so trivial.
Anyway, here's my upcoming gameplay forcast:
Portable: Starting next week, I'll be beating my way through Sigma Star Saga and enjoying every minute of it. (I'm downloading a trailer now... eeeeeee! ^_^) Then, I dunno. Nothing is really coming out. I've been debating the aquisition of Wipeout Pure just because the content downloads are cool beyond belief. But who knows... let me check the release date lists and see if there's anything... (I hate how the PSP release date list is littered with retarbid UMD releases... does anyone care? No. Nobody cares.) OKAY! OMG! Meteos is coming out on the same day as Sigma Star Saga! That's totally intense, and will be a definate purchase. So, okay, let's start this forcast over.
Portable (Actual Forcast): Starting next week, I'll be blasting (a better verb than last time! Huzzah!) my way through Sigma Star Saga for the GBA. It will rock my face. After that, I'll be taking comfort in the sweet puzzleful bosom of Meteos, Q Entertainment's new DS puzzler of sex. Or blocks. One of those two. This will hopefully keep me entertained until the 20th of July, when Gunstar Super Heroes will be released on the GBA and I will be engulfed in Treasure's special brand of old-school deliciousness. I suck at action games, but I thoroughly enjoyed Astro Boy: Omega Factor just about as much as I sucked at it, so I'm sure Gunstar Super Heroes will treat me the same way.
Okay, so now I can't confirm when Gunstar Super Heroes is coming out. Fuck. EBGames' website is saying October... the Treasure Website, although I can't read most of it, it saying "fall." Well fuck. I'm going to bed. Or to play games with Justin Spaeth. Maybe I'll write a correct one of these later.

Posted by poetfox at June 25, 2005 06:00 PM


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