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June 23, 2005

A deck for MTGO after Saviors launches.

Foresttastic! (Working Title)

Lands (21)
4x Elfhame Palace
12x Forest
5x Plains

Creatures (18)
3x Budoka Gardener
4x Elder Pine of Jukai
4x Lantern Kami
4x Tallowisp
3x Taproot Kami

Other Spells (21)
4x Blanchwood Armor
4x Kodama's Reach
2x Pacifism
1x Arrest
4x Spiritual Visit
3x Unchecked Growth
3x Wear Away

Strength of Cedars fits more with the theme than Unchecked Growth, I think, but I wanted more cheapish Splice targets for Spiritual Visit.
Hmm... I meant to have Terashi's Grasp in there... or at least Wear Away... I should put at least two in there... okay, it's done and edited for that. ^_^ Anyway, huzzah? That's my first Saviors deck!

Posted by poetfox at June 23, 2005 08:42 PM


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