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June 23, 2005

Thingies. (A boring post.)

Apparently Ben Folds is touring with Weezer and coming to St. Louis? Essner called me late at night to inform me of this. Whee. I'm sure Essner and Spaeth will go now, and I sorta hope they invite me, cause shit, no reason why I shouldn't go. I'm no superfan of either of them, but it sounds like an exciting time with music and stuffs. Or something.
I found a cool shirt. It's here.
Maybe I should ask off for a morning or two next week, just so all the working at Kohl's doesn't destroy me utterly. We'll see after I see the schedule tonight.
Oh, I'm working at Kohl's tonight.
And... um... eh, I'm done. Wow, what a boring post.

Posted by poetfox at June 23, 2005 06:59 AM


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