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June 14, 2005

Live From Natalie's House

So, yeah, here I am, at Natalie's house, waiting for her to get back from her doctor's thingy so I can say bye... amazing.
This trip has been a good one. One, I realized we can be friends and it's not weird, really, which is amazing and such and I think certianly stands testament to the "friends first, dating second" sorta concept I tried to adhere to when dating Natalie. To other people, I think the concept of still being close friends with your ex is insane. Two, um, why didn't I do this sooner? I mean seriously. And three... um, I dunno what three is.
I need to get a better day job. Preferably something that pays similarly but is chocked full of less time working or something. So I can sleep. And... I dunno. I really don't know. But I need to do more things AND move out, which is a bad combination. But it needs to happen.
All in all, though, this trip... pretty damn spiffy. And I realized that if I just, you know... bring stuff to do and plan a bit ahead of time it doesn't have to cost me alot of money if I don't want it to.
I dunno. I'm rambling about nothing. This trip made me feel better, though. It'll be nice to get home and sleep in my bed, however, and see my Kitty again... and get up really early for work again... chaaa...
Oh, I'm going to see Dante today, before I go home. That's... interesting... to say the least. Stay tuned for updates on that or something.
Kirby: Canvas Curse should be out today... I'll probably pick that up on the way home (or before I leave Tuttle after eating with Dante-san) so I can play it on Wednesday at work. It's going to totally rock my face, in any case. I'm pumped.
And... um... I dunno. Hmm... That's enough retarbid random for now, I guess. I'm done. Bye.

Posted by poetfox at June 14, 2005 07:37 AM


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