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June 15, 2005

Muzaaaaak! And Relationshippy...

This excerpt of a little bit of Goldfrapp's new album rocks my face... I don't think I can wait until the next of August for it, but I suppose I'll have to... also, Freezepop just came out with a new EP that I just ordered along with one of their cool, higher quality and more ass-kicking shirts.
I think I really upset Dai-chan... which is... blaaaah, why do I worry so much... it only gets me in trouble, seriously...
I have to go to work tommorow too. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
At least everything with Natalie went all insanely well. I'm glad I can offically call her a close friend again. Not that I doubted she was. I was just... running away from her for no good reason. No more of that for me.

Posted by poetfox at June 15, 2005 02:13 AM


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