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August 30, 2005

"A good CO knows their weaknesses, and I have none!" (Besides my Air and Sea units being crap)

Seriously, though, the only way they could make Advance Wars better at this point is to add online play, which I hope to gods they do. Surely they'll do an "expansion" sequal again like they did on the GBA to make it better for multiplayer and with a new campaign, and by then, the DS's online network will be up and running. I best be getting my Advance Wars on in the onlinez.
I asked Steve Watson why Jerri still has a job.
I've recently been thinking about if I was a CO. Originally I was coming up with some sorta Andy Rachel mixture thing with lots of healyness... but then I realized, that's not how I play. Not at all. I'm extremely kamakaze and I don't care if my troops die, really. So now I've decided I'm Black Hole, and I've come up with a variety of powers. I haven't settled on a certian set yet. One way makes all my units at exactly 1 life do full power attacks, and CO powers that create a luck chance that a destroyed unit will not be destroyed, but left with 1 life. The other build would be I'd have Colin-cheap units only they'd suck even more. But I'd get extra amounts of CO power when they died. My normal CO power in this instance I've called "Topdecking" and it created the random chance of my units damage being affected by -20% to 20%. All random-like. I suppose that's kinda like Flak, and although I can't confirm this, Jugger. It has a cooler name though. Super CO power, I dunno. I like the idea of all my infantry blowing up and dealing damage to people around them? That would be great. Call it... Suicide Squad or something of that nature. Anyway, all this is merely me blabbling at random. Colin/Max Tag Team 4 Eva! (Sometimes Max/Jess, if I'm forced to use long-range weaponry or just not feeling the Colin that day.)
So, like. for more than a week, Frisky has woken me up the moment my parents left. I was going to sleep in like crazy today, but no, I got up at 7:15, because the dog was barking and banging at my door. And then he was banging because the power was out and making the smoke detectors beep, so I had nothing to do for awhile... besides Advance Wars, of course. Heh.
Seriously, Nintendo! Give me online NOW! Has anyone made a tunneling program for the DS?
And now, just because, my top five prefered COs to use. Note I haven't used any of the new Black Hole COs because I haven't beat the campaign and unlocked them yet.
poetfox's Top 5 Favorite COs!
1. Max
2. Colin
3. Jess
4. Lash
5. Sensei
I'm also really enjoying Rachel, (I've been using her alot in the Campaign) so I think she might kick Sensei off of there... (although a horde of battle copters is tons of fun...) she's not as broken as Nell, and I love her Super CO power. Also, Sasha is pretty nice, although her CO powers lack umph. But in a tag team battle with Colin, I'm all for her. Heh.

Posted by poetfox at August 30, 2005 09:20 AM


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