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August 29, 2005

Do I Do I... Do I Want To...?

On a whim, I downloaded Franz Ferdinand's new single, "Do You Want To?". It's damn good. All their music is damn good. They're a band that's popular for a reason!
And once again, it leads me to the issue that I've been wondering about for awhile... do I want to go see them in September? They're a great band... but having only been to TMBG concerts where the fans are, well, serious fans and the shows border on pure heavenly bliss (if you doubt, seriously, see them in concert. I don't care if you only sorta like them, you WILL be rocked). Franz is mainstream, but damn good mainstream... ish... Plus, I'm not going to go alone, I'd need to seduce at least one person to come with me. And ask off at work tommorow or so. Fuck it, I think I will. I'm going to plan to see them. I watched that live thing that Essner linked to me, and it was worth downloading Realplayer for, so, you know... it's gotta be worth seeing them... and I dunno how often they're going to get to the states... Even though I would never miss a TMBG concert around here until someone died or something, they'll always be coming around next year. They tour. Alot. If I miss one, there'll be another one next year, or I can just take a longer trip to Nashville and see them there, you know? Franz, probably not. Why are they coming to St. Louis of all places, anyway? Heh.
But yeah, I think I'm going to rally the troops. I want to see them. The Pageant is a great venue, large enough to have many people but small enough that you can stand right up in front of the stage and whatnot, you know? Plus, trips to St. Louis are fun. I can go to a mall! Eat at Saruku Japan. Yeah. I'm liking it. First person to seduce, Spants. I can get him to go. Then ask Jonathan if he wants to, cause he can... and then from there, open the invataion outward.

Posted by poetfox at August 29, 2005 12:32 PM


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