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August 29, 2005

Playing with Portability + UPDATES!

Frisky woke me up again this morning for no good reason? So yeah, I got up... and decided to install Portable Firefox and Thunderbird on my little thumbdrive because, hell, why not? Plus, Portable Thunderbird would let me get my e-mail from any compy. So I did that. The whole thing is kinda cool. I guess I need to start carrying my thumb drive on my keys now, like everyone else. Jumpin' on the bandwagon, yeah! (I've also decided to jump on the "safely remove hardware" bandwagon. I suck.)
Updates all around! CrappyAsst.com has a new thrown-together blog backend, so check that shit out. Or something. Or not. Still being improved, mind you. I also finally, after a long, long fucking time, updated The Essner Gallery and The Fanfiction Contest Archive. I'm probably missing some fics, so if I am, send them my way, please. Next Fanfic topic is "The Perfect Day at your Current Job." I wonder what Jonathan is going to write.
Edit: Have you seen this? Totally fucking awesome.

Posted by poetfox at August 29, 2005 07:48 AM


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