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August 14, 2005

More than likely not worth your time to read, so move along.

So I spent a good deal of my shift today thinking about why I am alive. I can only really think of two reasons. 1) Because other people would be sad if I wasn't alive. 2) Because I'm afraid of dying. Are those good reasons? I feel like I should have a third reason, and that reason should be wanting to accomplish what I want to accomplish in life... but it's really not there. I'd love to have a family and just... be a good friend to my friends. As I've probably said before, those are about as complicated and long-reaching as my plans for my life get. But at the same time, even though I want to do those things, I can't use them as a justification for living, because all it is ultimately going to be doing is setting up more people for me to ultimately disappoint because I am a terrible person. Even though it's completely based on nothing, I believe that I am a negative influence, in the long run, on people's lives that I become a part of. My plans for life basically just involve me becoming involved in more people's lives, and even starting and guiding the life of someone. And I can't really see that as a good thing, perse, even if I want to do it.
I wonder if I covered what I wanted to say up there... I dunno.
I saw Wedding Crashers today with everyone. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it, but yet, I did enjoy it. I was laughing the whole time. I'm sorry for doubting the Vince Vaughn Owen Wilson combo. Granted half of the humor was based in everything being very... over the top. Sorta like how Anchorman is funny? Only obviously a bit different, lacking the major Will Ferrell action and much less of it being... visual humor and much more being... situational..ish? I dunno. In any case, if you're bored, it's worth a viewing. It does have breasts, a fairly large number of them... and it has alot of fucks. But then again, it's rated R, so if that turned you off go watch... um... some not rated R movie! You bastard.
9th draft tommorow... I'm pumped... I should review the spoiler again, just to refresh myself on the new commons lurking about... I know Enfeeblement will be a high pick if I have any black component... anyway, we'll see what happens. I just hope I get some Gift of Estates. (Have I said enough about that card? I don't think so. I like Gift of Estates.)

Posted by poetfox at August 14, 2005 03:56 AM


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