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August 13, 2005


It's 4:15 in the morning. I just got home from work. I should go to bed.
As I said, Geek Fu is really making me feel bad about not writing. Like... more than normal. (Cause I mean, I'm an english major, and I haven't written anything besides blogposts and internet chat in HOW LONG?) And I'm thinking... Poetfox.com is just sitting there...
My idea is this. I throw up basic blogging capabilities like I have here over there, only I made it my "once a week essay" site. Yes, sorta like what Murperson is doing. So sue me. But, of course, mine won't be a podcast. So ha. Also, I really think, as much as I enjoy writing the occasional poem or planning out who the fuck knows how many stories, my best stuff I have written have been really serious personal essays. I mean, like, not "How I Spent my Summer Vacation" in grade school. I mean like... personal essays. Essays I wrote about my life and things in my life. I have an idiom, and I think it comes across, and when I write about what I know I know I can make the stupidest things entertaining. I just have to sit down and make it happen.
Anyway, the idea would be I'd have a new essay up at least once a week, by Monday. And they'd be serious, with like... revisions and stuff. I'd write the thing out, then come back to it later and tweak it a bit before posting. And then tweak a bit more after posting if something bothers me. This would still be here for random thoughts, game rants, blah blah blah... another benefit of doing that would be that... well... here, I fear to talk about some things sometimes. I bet I could write them in an essay, no problem. So that would be another outlet for me in that way...
But yeah, I'm creative, I need to fucking show it. If you think that's a good idea, let me know... and if you think it's a good enough idea that you'd go "Hey, where the fuck is my essay?" on Monday if I don't post it, then definately tell me. I'll work on getting it up next week while I'm mostly off of work.
Okay, bed now.

Posted by poetfox at August 13, 2005 04:22 AM


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