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January 04, 2006

I usually go with a medium heal-based loadout...

You can see my Dystopia stats right here. I find it fairly interesting, you know? It literally tracks everything and on any server I play on. I think that's amazing. As you can see, I spend alot of energy on TAC scans and Mediplants, which isn't suprising to me since those are very support-oriented implants (The Mediplant has the added bonus of keeping me alive longer during my many Kamakaze moments). What sorta shocks me is that I have had, in my... apparently 6 hours of play, 108 headshots! That's like... 2/3rds of my kills! Heh... pretty nice. Then again, my death to kill ratio is a mere 61%... eh heh... I like to think I still made a difference, even when I died retardedly. Apparently I haven't gotten any objectives, though, which I think is bullshit because I know I destroyed the firewall in Dys_Fortress at least once... also, I know I had one Cyber-kill. Eh... oh well. It's still pretty nifty to see all the numbers like that.
I don't really know what I'm going to do this year... I really don't... and that scared me quite a bit today... and I really shouldn't have brought it up because it'll just make it harder for me to go to sleep... *sighs* Oh well, so it goes. Heh... Brer liked my present, so that's good, and the mic sounds awesome. ^_^ I can't wait to make so much more use of it!
I also watched all of the first season of Extras today. It was fucking HILARIOUS! I'm sure we kept my parents up much later than we should have... but it's just great. I highly recommend it. I haven't watched yesterday's Arrested yet, though. I should do that tommorow, among other things.
So... yeah, I guess that was me today. OMG, it's so... not really all that exciting... yay... I need to... I... I dunno. I don't know.
And that's the problem.

Goodnight, world. Let's just have fun and not fucking worry tommorow, okay? That would be very nice.

Posted by poetfox at January 4, 2006 03:08 AM


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