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January 05, 2006

I'm happy.

I have worried all day about this and that and being useless and being a loser, sitting here at my computer... even though it's what I enjoy doing, you know, want to do and such... I worried all day about it... and then Brer gets on, and we spend the night together, and I sit here and I realize that he has made me truly happy. I force myself to be happy all the time. I'm often entertained or distracted. But being really happy, at least with my definition, doesn't happen very often... heh... at least, not outside of a hug or a TMBG concert... but he's gone to bed, and I am still... just... glowing... it's crazy... heh... *sighs...* I love him.
Okay, enough loveydovey stuff... I just... it seems to important to save this moment... because... it really doesn't happen often... so... yeah...

I actually work tommorow! SHOCKU! Off to do the stupid stuff I do late at night whee!

Posted by poetfox at January 5, 2006 12:34 AM


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