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July 10, 2006

A long paragraph about what I think about White Wolf at the moment.

I really can't remember how I came to be looking at the White Wolf page again... oh wait, yes I do. I was looking once again at the amazing Murloc shirt Tai showed me last night and I still think is awesome (If I was playing WoW still, I would have instantly purchased it), and I ended up following a link on the WoW tabletop RPG game and ended up at White Wolf's site. Anyway, apparently they have a new game different from any of the others they had before they blew up their world and started over. Called Promethian: The Created or something. Looks interesting, but I'm not really impressed. After they blew up the world, I've sort of had mixed feelings about them. I haven't read their new Vampire book, but they took away almost everything I loved when they made their new version of Werewolf. Their Mage was neat, I thought. I haven't looked at my old Mage pre-blowings up in awhile, but the new Mage I'm down with, as I was with the basic World of Darkness sourcebook, from what I've read. If you're planning on just telling a story as opposed to tons of combat and things exploding, I think a couple normal, everyday people against the forces of darkness with powers they can barely even understand would be awesome. That sort of game is one I definately couldn't play with my friends (As I've stated before, the game I can play with my backstabbing, random friends is Paranoia, hands down), but one I would be all about doing. I also liked their weird, not related to anything Orpheus book. That seemed like a weird little thing to tell a story with. I'm fairly positive it's not in the World of Darkness, but a company filled with people in tubes, electronics keeping them barely alive so they could astral project and do their company's bidding? It seemed like something could definately be done with that. Anyway, I dunno what to think about them anymore. I suppose their track record is better rather than worse, but boo to their new Werewolf. Boo, I say. Then again, do I have much of a reason to care? I've played like 3 sessions of Paranoia and like one very failed attempt at Vampire my entire life, it's not like I do much of that sort of stuff. I can dream, though, dammit!

Anyway, I randomly felt like ranting about it, and then I went "Man, but where can I do that? Oh, wait, I have a blog." So there we go.

Posted by poetfox at July 10, 2006 09:27 PM


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