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July 11, 2006

I have a good feeling about this deck. It has most of what my current Aura deck has going for it, plus some.

Okay, here we go, decklist time.

Enchanter (Working Title)

Lands (22)
Bad River x4
Hallowed Fountain x1
Godless Shrine x1
Island x3
Swamp x3
Plains x10

Creatures (16)
Auratouched Mage x3
Kitsune Mystic x3
Nomad Mythmaker x3
Thran Golem x4
Zur the Enchanter x3

Other Spells (22)
Arrest x4
Flickerform x1
Ghostly Prison x1
Seal of Cleansing x3
Serra's Blessing x1
Second Chance x1
Traveller's Cloak x2
Necromancer's Magemark x3
Shielding Plax x3
Sleeper's Robe x2
Soul Link x1

As you can see, I tried to include a nice toolbox to grab up with Zur. I know we have 2 Hallowed Fountains and a Godless Shrine around here somewhere, so I should be able to gank those without paying for the crazy high cost, and they'll come in handy if I need a plains but draw a Bad River. One card I didn't even know existed until I did a search in MTGO for enchantments in those colors with coverted mana cost less than 3 was that Second Chance. It says, "During your upkeep, if you have 5 or less life, sacrifice this, then take another turn after this one." Sounds awesome to me. Hm, I just realized that nothing in the deck is pumping up my creatures besides Necromancer's Magemark... oh well. Nobody should be killable or blockable really, so I should be able to wittle them down without too much problem... and if I find I need something to pump my guys, well, I probably already have those spells, so it'll be easy to add. I also won't lie, Sterling Grove would be amazing in this deck. It's not going to happen though. I'm already three colors as it is... I think Spants has a single one, depending on the effectiveness of Flickerform (I've been unimpressed with it in the past) I might switch it in... after all, Zur can still fetch it... anyway, I'll be ordering that soon, probably after the set is released so the price of my third Zur goes down to reasonable levels... plus, everyone else might want to order cards at that point.

I dunno what I do with my good friends Eight-and-a-half Tails and Opal-Eye after I make this deck, though... they're in my current version, even though 8.5 Tails is a terrible fit, in all honestly (but he's so powerful, he still kicks butt)... hmm... have to think of another good whiteish deck, I suppose.

Posted by poetfox at July 11, 2006 01:58 AM


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