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July 08, 2006

Brer was really playing up the Davy Jones/Cthulhu angle...

I didn't get to see Pirates tonight... and Brer says he can't be responsible for spoilers if I don't see it tomorrow... maybe I can get an advanced ticket for whenever Jonathan is going when I wake up... or hell, I dunno... go alone... blah, I don't like going to the theater alone.

So yeah, been playing F.E.A.R. I totally agree with what I've heard about it, in general... (besides the Alpha Rant on it, they really trashed it, but I suppose I can understand why... they aren't serious gamers anyway... all they really play is Call of Duty 2 with some extremely realistic mod and I think one of them is playing EVE Online...) The scary parts aren't as scary as they could be, because you know when the scariness is going on you can't be hurt, and there won't be soldiers around shooting at you. So you just get like "Oh, it's scary cutscene time, okay!" But the shootings, that's pretty fun. There are some neat melee kicks you can do, and I keep trying to do them by using the incredibly intelligent strategy of running towards some guy with a shotgun pointed at me instead of taking him out from a distance... yeah, I'm awesome like that...

So yeah, this The Ship thing. I'm excited. I hope to god it doesn't suck.

Mann, is it really that late? Mann.

Posted by poetfox at July 8, 2006 02:49 AM


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