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August 25, 2006

My mind is random and often retarded.

My coinflippy deck is here. I decided at the last minute when covering it that I should swap four Mountains out for four Forgotten Caves. I like cycling. We'll see if the caves make the deck feel painfully slow... I don't think they will, though... I think they'll be a thankful outlet when I need another card instead of a land. Also, I learned that I have a crazy-ass amount of "special" Swamps (by which I mean Unhinged, Foil, etc). Like almost enough for a mono-black deck. That's a bit crazy. Why aren't they in a deck? I have no idea.

You know, I was going to put this coinflippy deck in my Tycho deckbox, but the more I think about it, the coinflippy probably would go better in the Gabe box, and the Reanimator "Nekrataal everything" concoction would fit Tycho a little better... I dunno. I also have the problem that my gaming bag only has slots for like... 5 deckboxes, and I've been having more than five decks for awhile now... dunno what to do about that... wait, you know what, my draw deck fits Tycho more, he seems like a Johnny to me... gods, I ramble...

The internship contest has started... the questionare I have to fill out as the first round is a bit daunting. I'm going to work on writing that instead of, I dunno, doing schoolwork tommorow after my morning class... that, or playtesting this flippy deck with Essner and Spants or something. Or something.

I want to watch a movie.

Posted by poetfox at August 25, 2006 01:46 AM


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