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August 26, 2006

What else did I find interesting today... oh yeah, some article about Xbox360 webcam as a masturbatory aid...

So, in my random somethings about the internet today, I decided it was time to open Steam. So I did. There was alot of updating and apparently they've added alot of new games on there. Most of these new games I could not give a rats ass about. But I saw that, in preparation for the launch of DEFCON: Everybody Dies (Or just DEFCON... but I like the tagline... so there), they put the only other Introversion (the Darwinia people) game up on Steam: Uplink.

Uplink takes place in the strange and weird future of four years from now, where "computers" are "important" and "hackers" manupulate them over the "world wide web" to "do illegal things." Basically, it's a hacking simulator. You're put onto a fake desktop that's linked into your fake computer, called a Gateway, that's owned by his hacker company you're now working for, called Uplink. And you get jobs off of their system and you go and you h4x0r things and hope you cover your tracks well enough to not get caught. Of course, as you earn money you upgrade your compy to have more hacking power, and, supposedly, there eventually is some underlying plot, if you get superhacker enough. I haven't seen it, though. I was just getting the hang of it, hacking into two major banks for smaller, information gathering jobs, when the feds managed to track poor Agent poetfox down for her earlier sorry attempts at hacking, and Uplink was forced to sieze all my stuff and basically fuck me over so as not to be caught in the middle. But it's really neat. I really feel like a hacker when I play it. And now I know how to cover my tracks better, so hopefully that won't happen again, when I reroll with a new Agent. Hopefully. Anyway, I consider it money decently spent.

I do hope DEFCON is as cool as it looks, though. I mean, it's very stylized like all of their games, to keep the costs down, but the gameplay just seems... fun as hell, you know? Let the tension build and build and then all of the sudden BOOM! Nuke everything in strike followed by retaliatory strike followed by another retaliatory strike... yay!

Posted by poetfox at August 26, 2006 01:10 AM


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